Fancy yourself as a bit of an aspiring wildlife photographer? Or have you simply found yourself in the right place at the right time to snap some of your favourite animals pulling a funny face?
How would you like to see your very own shots on the front cover of the Thylacinus for all ASZK members to see?
It’s simple, the competition is open to anyone, so feel free to share with your friends. Here is all you need to know to get started…
You can submit as many entries as you like.
Competition opens January 22nd 2024 and all photos must be submitted no later than the 17th March 2024.
All photos must be in JPEG format and must be accompanied with a signed Photo Release Form. Download release HERE
Send all entries to ensuring the following is included:
- Your name
- Your institution and/or address
- Title/caption of the shot/any notable details about the photo, animals in the shot.
- The category you feel your photo best suits
- Cite ‘ASZK Photo Comp’ in the subject line.
- Signed Release Form
Judging and Prizes
The ASZK committee will pick the two best photos in each category to show off at the annual conference, which will be held in Perth, WA in May.
Conference delegates then select their favourites! Best of each category will be displayed on the front cover of Thylacinus – the quarterly journal of the ASZK covering interesting updates in zookeeping from across the region. *some landscape photos may not be suitable.
The People’s Choice (best of all categories) will earn its photographer honorary ASZK membership for a year!
Prints of the finalists may be auctioned off at the conference to assist with the Society’s ongoing objective of supporting the professional development of keepers in our region.
So get snapping, and let your photography earn you membership! Be sure to check Facebook to see some of the entries. And make sure you get to Perth in May to take part in the judging!